Munmun Dutta Engagement recently shared radiant photos, basking in sunlight, following the dismissal of engagement rumors with her Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah co-star Raj Anadkat. The actors swiftly quashed speculations of their alleged engagement in Vadodara, clarifying the situation just hours after the news circulated.
Taking to Instagram, Munmun posted her first update since the clarification, showcasing picturesque moments near the Brooklyn Bridge from her recent trip to New York. Her caption exuded positivity, stating, “Living my best life (dancer emoji). Sharing the last set of pictures from my NYC trip and photoshoot.” ( Munmun Dutta Engagement )
Despite long-standing rumors about their relationship, both Munmun Dutta and Raj Anadkat, known for their roles as Babita Iyer and Tapu in TMKOC, have consistently denied any romantic involvement. Addressing the ongoing speculation, Munmun also shared her thoughts on Instagram Stories, casually sipping tea with her girl gang, and dismissing the engagement rumors with a nonchalant, “Fake news toh chalti rahegi (Fake news will always be there). But nothing beats my evening tea with my girl gang.”
While the engagement rumors may have sparked momentarily, Munmun Dutta’s sunny photos and carefree attitude serve as a reminder to focus on the present and cherish moments with loved ones, rather than dwelling on baseless gossip.